BOLAM swe 1994\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\nWater_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface (Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth @ Ground or water surface, kg.m-2)\n
BOLAM swe 2011\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\nWater_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface (Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth @ Ground or water surface, kg.m-2)\n
MOLOCH swe 1994\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\nWater_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface (Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth @ Ground or water surface, kg.m-2)\n
MOLOCH swe 2011\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\nWater_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface (Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth @ Ground or water surface, kg.m-2)\n